Your Tel Aviv Synagogue Community is Here

The North Central Synagogue, at 126 Ben Yehuda St., is a key hub in Tel Aviv’s northern neighborhoods. Throughout the entire year, we hold prayers, kiddushes, community events, charity activity, etc., initiated and led by the members themselves. You are more than welcome to become acquainted with our activity – and to join us.

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The North Central Synagogue in the Heart of Tel Aviv

The North Central Synagogue, at 126 Ben Yehuda St. in Tel Aviv, is one of the most important and central synagogues in Tel Aviv. Since its founding in the then-young town of Tel Aviv back in 1936, the synagogue has been a hub for prayer, Torah lectures and community activity – for the members, residents of the local neighborhood and the city, as well as numerous guests. Today, the synagogue is a focal point of renewal in Tel Aviv’s old-established northern suburbs. It is religious Zionist in nature with an open and welcoming vibe, for local young communities, veteran Israelis and new immigrants residing in the neighborhood.
You are more than welcome to join us

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Our Activity

The North Central Synagogue is a key hub in Tel Aviv’s northern neighborhoods. Throughout the entire year, we hold Torah lectures, community events, charity activity, etc., initiated and led by the members. We welcome you to learn more about our activities - and to join us.

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Minyan Times

High holidays schedule
Shacharit First Minyan
7:15 AM
Shacharit Second Minyan
8:10 AM
12:45 PM
Mincha & Maariv
5:35 PM
Ma'ariv (in the Debrah Brown Hotel)
8:45 PM
Candle Lighting
5:26 PM
Shabbat Ends
6:25 PM
Early Mincha Erev Shabbat
12:30 PM
Late Mincha Erev Shabbat
5:36 PM
Kabbalat Shabbat
5:51 PM
Hashkama Minyan ⚡️⚡️⚡️
7:30 AM
Main Minyan
9:00 AM
Early Mincha
12:30 PM
Late Mincha
5:15 PM
Arvit & Havdala
6:25 PM
Shabbat Parashat Ki Tisa
High Holidays Schedule

Then and Now

The synagogue was established in 1936 during the British Mandate, by a small group of residents of Northern Tel Aviv. The synagogue’s story over the years offers a rare glimpse of some of the most fascinating characters and varied activity in the heart of the city. We invite you to embark on that journey.

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Donation to the Synagogue

The synagogue’s community activity is made possible thanks to the participation and generous support of the public at large. You are cordially invited to take part in and support our activity.

Donate Here

Eruv In Tel Aviv

The Tel Aviv Eruv surrounds the city from the Ayalon Highway to the sea, from the Yarkon River to Jaffa. Be mindful of the Eruv while walking on the boardwalk

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The Synagogue’s Location

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